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Monday, February 4, 2013

Itty Bitty Mini- Vinatge Shabby Chic

HI Everyone
This months theme for the Itty Bitty Mini Swap over at Mini Album Scraps is Vintage Shabby Chic.
Here is the Itty Bitty mini I made for this Swap

If you have a chance stop by and take a look at last months Itty bittys they are so gorgeous and come join the fun for this month. The swaps are fun to do and you get wonderful items back in return.


abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said... 1

Cute mini! Carri~Abusybee

Audrey Frelx said... 2

Becky, it's adorable!

Dropping in to say hi, my friend!

Anonymous said... 3

Great article comes from inspiration and frequently reading the latest news and articles about a subject and keep up the good work in this website

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