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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop


Hi Everyone

I am so excited about today! Today is the last Saturday I have to work because of Tax Season! and I could not be happier. It has been a very long and stressful season. And today we are celebrating the Easter Eggstravaganza Blog Hop! WOOHOO! If you arrived from the wonderful and talented Monica's blog then you are in the right place, if not please start from the beginning at Nadia's blog .
Ok on with the hop, for this hop we were asked to make something that you can eat, I am not the best baker but my aunt make these wonderful cupcakes last Easter and decorated them so cute that I wanted to share them with you.

She made one for each of us with our initials on it. They were chocolate and oh so yummy.
I love decorating Easter eggs it is one of my favorite times of the year. These are the eggs we made last year.

Ok for my food, I don't have a picture of it, but is is one of my favorite appertizer I love to make for parties. I call them Salami Tacos, here is what you need to make them:
sliced salami
cream cheese
sliced pepperoncinis
So you take the salami and spread a little bit of cream cheese on it them put a pepperoncini in it and fold it. (hence the taco part) They are so easy to make and soooo YUMMY!
Thanks for stopping by today, your next stop on the hop is Carrie


Adinês said... 1

Must have been delicious!
I am wanting to try it!

AbunchofScrap said... 2

Love when my kids make things for me (even if they don't taste so yummy or look so good) It really is the thought that counts...Giving and sharing.


Scrappy Jackie said... 3

I miss making eggs with my boys! What great colors and ideas you have! Thank you so much for sharing on this hop! I love your idea and recipee! Thanks for sharing. pjritsema at gmail dot com

Janet said... 4

Thanks for the appetizerounds great will have tpio try them

Shawnee said... 5

I love to dye eggs with my children. Super cute!


Stephanie K said... 6

Cupcakes look really yummy!! And the appetizer sounds soooo good!!! thanks for sharing!!!


Carrie's Corner said... 7

I love how vibrant the eggs are and the cupcakes look yummy too!


Nikki said... 8

Beautiful Bright easter eggs
hugs Nikki

Crafty Card Gallery said... 9

new follower! good luck getting through the last week of tax season!
craftycardgallery at gmail dot com

Creative Diva said... 10

I love them all! TFS


Bunnyfreak said... 11

Love the initials on the cupcakes.

Melanie - The Paper Retreat said... 12

Yummy! Thanks for sharing the recipe. I am already a follower and am fellow hopper. http://inlovewithabug.blogspot.com

Sugarlips said... 13

My husband would love salami tacos. I might have to try them.

Giselle said... 14

Awesome job at decorating those. Thanks for being part of this blog hop :)

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