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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Care Package

Happy Thursday Everyone!
My husband went on a work trip to SLC, UT and was gone for 3 weeks. It seemed like forever, even though we talked on the phone and video chatted its just not the same. Can you believe he was there for 3 weeks and I couldn't convence him to go to one scrapbook store for me??? He was even there during the DCWV garage sale!! I know I even had a VIP ticket and he still wouldn't go. I told him that the ladies there would be very helpful and I would love anything he brought back, but nope he just rolled his eyes at me! LOL! Oh well can't say I didn't try! LOL

Anyways, we were all missing him pretty badly by the end of the first week so the kids and I packed up and went to Wally World to pick out some stuff to send him in his care package. Check it out:
These a fusion sticks. He told me that his room reaked of ciggeratte smoke and it was a non-smoking room! He bought 2 bottles of frebreeze and used both of them. Poor guy, the hotel was booked solid so they wouldn't move him to a different room, and since it was for work he had to stay there.

These were some pens and highlighters- he was in training classes the whole time so I thought he could use them.

The card the kids gave to him

Hes back now but we sure missed him a lot. The kids were growing anxious and wanted their daddy back. Thanks for stopping by and remember to check back on Saturday for the Memorial Day Blog Hop, there are a great group of ladies on the hop and we all have some awesome prizes to give away!
See you Saturday!!!


Cherie said... 1

Funny, my husband has been gone for 3 weeks too, he comes home Friday, and I couldn't be more excited! My husband would have done the same thing if I asked him to get me some scrapbook stuff, so you are not alone! Such a cute care package! I love it!

Unknown said... 2

What an awesome care package. That was so neat to do.
I know my hubby wouldn't go shopping for crafts for me either. What are they thinking?

Bunnyfreak said... 3

I gave you the Cricut-tastic Award on my blog.


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