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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Link up Love Party with K Andrew

Hi Everyone,
It is that time of the month again for K Andrews Link up Love Party, you can check out her website HERE. This is a great way to meet new bloggers and get lots of great inspiration.

I wanted to share with you the paper dress I made for KarelJ's May Challenge over at One By One the Flamingos are Stealing My Insanity.  Which means I need all of your guys help. Please head to her blog and vote for my project to win the May challenge. I would be so so so very thankful for your help.
I have been seeing so many paper dresses on the Circle blog and I think they look so cool so I wanted to try it for myself, and I have to say after a lot of burning of my fingers on the hot glue gun I think it turned out pretty well.

I found this form at Burlington Coat Factory. I think it is a necklace holder.

This is the back of the dress.

Please go to KarelJ's blog and vote for me.

How to make it:
1. Pick a leaf from the Mother's Day Cartridge and what I did was on each page I used filled page with the leaves 1 at 2 inches, 1 @ 1.5" and 2 @ 1".

2. Next I took the thin piece of 8.5x8.5 paper and covered it with adhedsive.

3. Take the 2" leaves and start covering/ layering them on the bottom of the paper, I did about 4 layers. Repeat with the 1.5" leaves and then with the 1" ones up to the top of the page this makes the bottom half of the dress (skirt)

4. Next take the skirt and wrap it around the wire form. I have to add some flowers to the edges of the skirt to get it to fit around the wire. Then I used the glue gun to glue the skirt together at the edges.

5. Then I used the glue gun to add more of the 1" leaves to the top of the form to make the dress top.

6. I added some bling as a necklace with my i-rock.
Don't forget to Kristal's blog and check out all the links.

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Jen_H said... 1

This is so pretty! Will head over and vote! I am here from the KA Link up Love Party and am a new follower! Thanks for the tutorial! Will have to try this one!
~~Jen H~~

CraftyShell said... 2

WOW that is amazing so pretty. I love the dress, when I was younger my dream was to be a fashion designer. So you have me with this project...lol I am now a new follower. Your blog is so cute.

Raven said... 3

Hey, I’m here from the Link Up Party and I love your dress, way too cute. I am also a new follower. Stop by and visit me when you have some free time.
Peace & Harmony,

thekolbes said... 4

OMG I love this and am so hoping to find myself one

Unknown said... 5

Oh my...that is AMAZING!! I'm a new follower :) Yay!!!

ItsMeShay said... 6

wow, this dress is very intricate! Following you from the Link Up Love with K Andrew

Scrappymama Elaine said... 7

ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS!!!! WOW!!!!! spreading the love!!! I am already a follower! Keep up the great creations!
esigmon at cox dot net

Lisa said... 8

This is so beautiful and creative! I love the colors! Just stopping by from K Andrew's Link Up Love Party...I'm already a follower :)


Lizzie Laine said... 9

WOW, how beautiful!
The design & colors are fantastic!
Already a follower


Michelle said... 10

I'm a long time follower of your blog wow this is really pretty.... I like the colors. I'm here from the link up party.
mpetrovich23 At yahoo dot com

simplybren said... 11

Wow, what a great project. I am awed. Great color combination. Headed over to vote now.

Unknown said... 12

Great Job! Lovin' your blog!! TFS I am a new follower! From the link party!!
Denise in WA

simplybren said... 13

I guess I am blog impaired could not find the poll on that blog. Found you at number 3 but could not find a place to vote. There is a lot going on over there....lol If you can point me in the right direction I will gladly vote for you.

Kathy said... 14

OMG, this is way to cool. I LOVE IT!
Hugs :),
Kathy - Getting Cricky DTM

Anonymous said... 15

I am here from the Link Up Party and now a follower. Love, love, love that dress. Very creative.

Dina said... 16

Omg! just beautiful! i am a new follower from the link up love party! Hugs! Dina

scrappingmamma said... 17

Oh My this is AMAZING!! Ive never seen anything like this before, How cool is this .. I'll head on over & vote! Thank-you for sharing.I'm peeking in from the "Link Up Love Party with K Andrew"
Deborah Foti

Anonymous said... 18

I can see why you listed this as your favorite--I loved it the first time I saw it! GORGEOUS!
I'm going right now to vote for you sweet girl!!

Thanks for Linking Up the Love with me at Getting Cricky!
Big Cricky Hugs,
K Andrew of Getting Cricky!

Annette_Marlow said... 19

What an amazing and time consuming... not to mention, according to you, a painful project!! I love it and went and voted for you! Thanks to Link Up Love Party with K. Andrew I was able to find you and see this amazing project, I hope you win and look forward to seeing what else you come up with, so I'm a excited new follower!

Unknown said... 20

Wow! I'm speechless! This turned out awesome! I just became a follower and I am going to go vote for your project. Would love for you to stop by and become a follower of me too.


Bella Scrapbook Designs said... 21

Love your Project. I am a follower :) I am visiting you from K Andrews linky party. Visit my blog for a chance to win a Cricut Cartridge.

Alyssa Leanne said... 22

WOW! This beautiful and so creative! I would never have thought to so this! TFS!

Stopping by from the LULP!


beejay said... 23

Wow that looks like alot of work, turned out great, so pretty! I stopped by from the LUL Party and am now following! www.sleepycatcrafts.blogspot.com

the cricutologist said... 24

Simply amazing! Thanks for sharing! I'm here from KAndrew's link party. Janice from www.cricutology.blogspot.com

Misty said... 25

WoW! That is stunning!
Here for the Kandrews Love party. I am a new follower.
Hummer Hugs,
hummingbird204 at comcast dot net

JennyKozar said... 26

This is stunning!!! You did a fantastic job and I am happy to place my vote for you my friend!!

Valerie Scott said... 27

SUPER Cute Becka! I have never seen anything like this before, I will be voting for you! I am here from the Link Up and Now Following!


Kelly S said... 28

Wow! This is amazing. I am heading over to vote for you know. Your dress is incredible! I'm stopping by from the Love Link Up party. If you get the chance, I would love it if you visited my blog as well.



Squirlygirl said... 29

Your dress is beautiful! I will be sure to head over and vote for you :)

Paper Deckerations said... 30

WOW! I've never seen anything like that! You have my vote! Looks like you are doing well over there! Great job!!

Anonymous said... 31

Hi Becka! I am here from the LULP. Let me just say your dress is AMAZING, I love it...I have always wanted to make one and I just may try it now...thank you for instructions. I also voted for ya! ;)

Happy Craftin'!

Anonymous said... 32

Its so beautiful! I love it. I am here from the LULP

Unknown said... 33

omgosh that is amazing!! wowo1!

Anonymous said... 34

Oh wow this dress is absolutley amazing... You got my vote....

Flair Girl said... 35

Hey there link-up friend! It's SO nice to be here and discover your blog! GREAT JOB! Did you see the ones DCWV made for CHA?! AMAZING! You may have inspired me to try it!

I'm your newest follower and I hope you'll be mine!

Creative blessings,

Dr Sonia S V said... 36

Dropped in from the Link up party. What a creative idea!
Cheers from Bangalore ,India
Dr Sonia S V
ENT Surgeon and Avid Crafter

Teresa Ciarleglio said... 37

This is so beautiful! It must have taken forever to put this together. The colors are great together. Love it!!! I am a new follower from the Link up the Love party. When you get a chance please visit my blog as I have an award for you. Take Care.


Yvonne said... 38

WOW what an idea It must have taken a long time. If not it sure looks that way

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