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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's A Pirates Life for Me!

Good Wednesday morning fellow crafters.
How are you all doing today? I am fanatastic! One more day until my Friday! WOOT!WOOT! Today I am going to share with you a Pirate's Game I made for the Cricut Circle June Monthly Challenge. The theme this month was to make a project(notebook,game, planner etc....) for a Road Trip.
So, since our family is really taking a roadtrip to the Redwood Forest in August, I thought this would be a geat game for the kids to play in the car or in the camper.

I used the Buccaneer Imagine cartridge for the whole project. There is a treasure map already on the cartridge so I used that as the board for the game. Next, I cut out 4 pirates at 3.5" for the game pieces.
Then I cut out the No Trespassing sign, cannon and treasure chest to give the game board some depth.

I also made these game cards from the Buccaneer Cartridge, the skull paper was printed and then cut to 2" x3" cards.

So how does the game work? Well the youngest player goes first. They draw one card and then do what is on the game, the objective of the game to to get to the X where the treasure chest is. The red marks is the trail to the X.


Bunnyfreak said... 1

Very cool. What a great game you created.

My Scrap Diary said... 2

This is an awesome!!!!!!!! looking game Becka. It looks something out of Toys R Us. You should have your kids wear eye patchs when they play, to get more into the pirate spirit. :)
Jess M

Kelly S said... 3

How clever! It looks like a fun game that the kids should enjoy. Thanks for sharing your creation.


Angie said... 4

Super Super cute! Your kids are going to love it!

Unknown said... 5

Wow!!! This is fabulous! So much detail, greatjob

Squirlygirl said... 6

UM WOWZA Becka! I love, love, love this! Great job!
Becky- Your DT Sister

S.Bayles said... 7

What a great idea. Good job... I am sure the kids liked it.......Great USA card. I love her stamps. I have this set.
Blog: http://lovethatexpressions.blogspot.com/

Crafting Misfit said... 8

This is INCREDIBLE! I love it!!! Thanks for linking it up to my show and tell ;)

Anonymous said... 9

Really interesting post and i enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing these beautiful pictures.
best hostings

Erika Valdez said... 10

WOW!! THis is amazing!! I bet your kids are going to have lots of fun playing with it! I would lol!! Looking at it makes me want to go ARRRRGGGGHH!! TFS

Your DT sister,

Scrapper69 said... 11

This is totally COOL! LOVE it!

Kerry T said... 12

Awesome job! Good luck with the DT.


Marie said... 13

Great project! Good luck on the DT!!!

Sara Kate said... 14

How neat!! Best of luck!

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