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Friday, June 3, 2011


WOWZERS! I just got back from camping and I have so many awards to catch up on. First thank you so much to Bunnyfreak and Kathy for giving me the Cricut-tastic Award! Check it out:
So for this award I need to tell you 5 things about myself, so here we go:
1. I have had my cricut since 2009 and I love it
2. I am addicted to Dr. Pepper yep its true
3. I love my Gypsy, I don't know how I use to craft without it
4. I love to scrapbook and take pictures
5. I love to read
Now on to sharing this award, HUMMMMMMM..... well there are so many blogs out there that truely deserve this award so here are a couple I like to visit:
1. Patricia at http://www.shortnscrappy.com/2011/05/make-cut-blog-hop-day-30.html
2. Kristy at http://craftin-on-my-door.blogspot.com/

I also have to thank Sherrie for the Versatile blogger award.

Ok here are 5 more things about me:
1. I have 2 kids, Cooper 7 and Kayla 2
2. I have been with my pretty much highschool sweetheart for 15 years, we are celebrating our 10 year wedding aniversary this year- YIPPEE
3. I like to go camping
4. I love Summer and Fall
5. I live in Reno NV

Here are the people I would like to pass this award on to:
1. Linda at http://lindascraftcorner.blogspot.com/
2.Stephanie at http://www.alwayscrafting.com/
3. Nadia at http://withglitteringeyes.blogspot.com/
4. Debbie at http://craftydeb-ddscrafts.blogspot.com/
5. http://everydayscrapbook.blogspot.com/

And last of all I would like to thank Sherrie for the A Thing of Beauty Award.
Here are some more things about me you might not already know
1. I started scrapbooking 12 years ago and just recently started making other crafts
2. I have my Bachlors degrees in Business Administration, Supply Chain Management, but I work in Accounting
3.I work full time except now I have Fridays off this summer- WOOT WOOT!
4. I got my 1st cricut in 2008 been hooked ever since
5. I have a shopping problem~ I can't stop buying cartridges and supplies!
I would like to pass this award on to the following:
1. Julie K at http://jk-littlebitofbling.blogspot.com/
2. Col at http://scrappycol.blogspot.com/
3. Kathy at http://kathyand3kids.blogspot.com/
4. Alyssa at http://www.mythoughtsexactly.co/
5.  Jenny K at http://kozfam5.blogspot.com/

Yeah, everyone, now all you have to do is thank the person who gave this to you, pass the award on the at least 5 other people and then let them know about it, and list 5 things about yourself.
Thank you again ladies for these awesome awards


jen said... 1

Becka thank you so much!!!! Wow this was a nice surprise to open my email up to and see your comment. Thank you so much for thinking of me.... I just love this and can't wait to put it on my blog. Big hugs! Have a super Sunday.

Nadia (WithGlitteringEyes.blogspot.com) said... 2

Congrats on your awards!! Thank you for including mine in your list! So sweet of you!

Sharon said... 3

Becka - thanks for the award. That was a special treat for me this weekend. I don't own a Cricuit but I do love my Big Shot!

Have a great week!
Hugs! Sharon

Unknown said... 4

Hi Becka! Thank you VERY much! I've been one of you followers for a while now and am very appreciative of this award!

EverydayMe said... 5

congrats on the awards... and thanks so much for sharing it with me... I'll be posting it probably tomorrow... have a lovely lovely day!
{{hugs}} Michelle

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